17 Jul 2023

Summer School 2023

School maybe out for summer, but LGC Clinical Diagnostics' summer school is in session! 

During the summer months, we’re offering you the opportunity to learn more about quality control practices in clincial laboratories, from basic to advanced and contemporary topics.


Summer Camp 1 - Basic QC Practices

17 July - 4 August 2023

The first of our Summer Camps focuses on basic topics of quality control practice in the clinical laboratory.  Attendees will gain access to three educational webinar recordings and associated resources.  Start your summer camp journey:

Join Summer Camp 1
Summer Camp 2 - Advanced QC Practices

7 - 18 August 2023

Why not make the most of the quieter months of summer and continue your summer camp journey. This next summer camp focuses on more advanced topics for QC practices, such as automating Six Sigma, MU and reagent tracking with IAMQC®.

Join Summer Camp 2
Summer Camp 3 - Contemporary QC Practices

21 August - 8 September 2023

Complete your summer course, by joining your fellow scholars in learning about more contemporary QC practices in the clinical laboratory. This course touches on Concept of Tracability, Measurement Uncertainty and Harmonization.

Join Summer Camp 3