23 Aug 2019

Welcome to our new website!

Technopath Clinical Diagnostics has been taking steps towards investing and strengthening our capabilities to better serve and engage our partners and customers in this increasingly online connected world.  Today, we are thrilled to unveil our new website – an important milestone in our continuous efforts to make our products and services ever more accessible and easy to use.


Our new website is built around your needs, whether on desktop or mobile, and offers an elevated experience. We asked what was most important to you? You shared that “ease of use”, “intuitive site navigation” and “quick access to relevant content” were a must. So, we have streamlined menus, simplified navigation and made much more of our content available.


To help you get around our site and get a better understanding of what we do, and the value we bring, we have grouped our content into key sections; Our Products section provides quick access to our full portfolio of Quality Control Materials and Data Management Software. Why Technopath section gives a  convenient overview of our company and the importance we place on customer service and value, quality, manufacturing excellence and continuous innovation. The new Knowledge Centre provides convenient access to all resource materials and My Technopath for online services. The About section shares details of our leadership team, the company and career opportunities.


Feature highlights include:

  • Mega Menus provide enhanced navigation, allowing us to deliver quick access to all major sections at once, without scrolling.


  • On our homepage, you'll find our lead campaigns, partner and customer testimonials, and links to the key sections of our new website.


  • Our new “Product Finder” provides a powerful search tool, yet simple to use, giving rapid access to all our products in response to your specific needs.


We continue to strive for our partners and customers to benefit from a more streamlined and valued experience with us.  Reaching this new milestone does not mean the job is done. There are more developments and enhancements to come in the near future. So for now, enjoy and explore our new online experience www.technopathcd.com , and do tell us what you think - visit our contact centre here.