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Webinars 2024

Enhancing Efficiency in Laboratory Medicine - A Focus on Quality Control Procedures

23 Jan 2024

Enhancing Efficiency in Laboratory Medicine - A Focus on Quality Control Procedures

Oswald Sonntag, Independent Consultant

During this webinar, Oswald will present a comprehensive approach
to QC processes that integrates the principles of efficiency, costeffectiveness,
and sustainability.

Webinars 2023

Troubleshooting with Quality Control Data in Medical Laboratories for Beginners

26 Sep 2023

Troubleshooting with Quality Control Data in Medical Laboratories for Beginners

Oswald Sonntag, Independent Consultant

This webinar explains how to identify problems and errors in the analytical process, and be shown how quality control material is a very helpful tool. You’ll also learn what steps are needed to make corrections and how to avoid reporting erroneous patient results, which will ultimately contribute to the welfare of patients.
Quality Control in Medical Laboratories for Beginners

15 Jun 2023

Quality Control in Medical Laboratories for Beginners

Oswald Sonntag, Independent Consultant

This webinar explains the basic steps on how to proceed with quality control procedures in the daily routine. You will learn when and how quality control material should be used. What is the outcome of the measurement of a quality control product and what needs to be done if results are outside the limits.
A critical update on ISO15189: 2022 Edition

13 Apr 2023

A critical update on ISO15189: 2022 Edition

Professor Folker Spitzenberger M.D.R.A.

Learn about the latest developments in the standard ISO 15189:2022 “Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence”. It has been developed with the objective of promoting the welfare of patients through confidence in the quality and competence of medical laboratories.

Webinars 2022

Control de calidad moderno: Descifrando los retos de hoy en día.

21 Oct 2022

Control de calidad moderno: Descifrando los retos de hoy en día.

Marı́a Salinas, PhD Jefe se Servicio Análisis Clínicos hospital universitario de San Juan de Alicante. 

En este workshop repasaremos algunos de los desafíos que se plantean en la rutina diariamente. Comenzando por la verificación de la calibración de un instrumento para proceder con el control de calidad interno, también la verificación de las variaciones lote a lote del reactivo y la exactitud de los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio.
Así, cubriremos los requisitos de la norma ISO 15189 y más. Aprende más aquí
Internal Quality Control Past Present and Future Trends

26 Jul 2022

Internal Quality Control Past Present and Future Trends

Sten Westgard, Prof. Khosrow Adeli and James H. Nichols, Ph.D., DABCC, FAACC

A panel of industry experts discussed global QC practice and future trends and developments. 

This event took place on Tuesday, July 26 | 7:00AM - 8:30AM Marriott Marquis, Grand Lakes Ballroom A, Chicago IL.


A critical update on ISO15189

25 May 2022

A critical update on ISO15189

Professor Folker Spitzenberger M.D.R.A.

Through this webinar the participant will learn about the latest developments in the standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”. It has been developed with the objective of promoting the welfare of patients through confidence in the quality and competence of medical laboratories.

A practical review of Quality Measurement Tools for the IVD laboratory

29 Apr 2022

A practical review of Quality Measurement Tools for the IVD laboratory

Ger Kennedy, VP Informatics, Technopath Clinical Diagnostics

Technopath are proud to sponsor this free educational webinar, delivered by our very own Ger Kennedy and hosted by Select Science. LEARN MORE

A strategic review of biological variation resources supporting laboratory quality

31 Mar 2022

A strategic review of biological variation resources supporting laboratory quality

Professor Sverre Sandberg, MD, PhD

Estimates of analytical, within-subject, and between-subject biological variation are extremely important for the interpretation of test results. The data is usually generated by prospective studies. An EFLM Task Group has developed an evidence based database containing data on biological variation as well as estimates of analytical performance specifications and reference change values. LEARN MORE

The concept of traceability and its impact to laboratory medicine

21 Jan 2022

The concept of traceability and its impact to laboratory medicine

Prof. Mario Plebani

The concept of traceability in laboratory medicine usually concerns the analytical phase. In particular, traceability to a common reference, ideally up to the International System of Units [SI], ensures high quality and long-term equivalence of measurement results obtained by different measuring systems.

Webinars 2021

Harmonization - an important tool to improve patient safety in laboratory medicine

10 Dec 2021

Harmonization - an important tool to improve patient safety in laboratory medicine

Prof. Mario Plebani

Despite monumental advances in quality improvement over the past few decades, clinical laboratories are still under increasing pressure to achieve efficiency, timeliness, safety, effectiveness and patient-centered services. LEARN MORE

Automating Six Sigma, MU and Reagent Tracking with IAMQC®

29 Oct 2021

Automating Six Sigma, MU and Reagent Tracking with IAMQC®

Ger Kennedy, VP Informatics, Technopath Clinical Diagnostics

Learn about generating QC reports in IAMQC®, including Six Sigma, MU, and Reagent Tracking. Learn more here.
Quality Control Revision: A refreshing course on advanced topics for quality control practice and applications

15 Oct 2021

Quality Control Revision: A refreshing course on advanced topics for quality control practice and applications

Prof Dr. med. Dipl. Biol. Astrid Petersmann

Quality controls are a helpful tool in method comparisons. Learn more here.
Quality Control Revision: A refreshing course on basics of quality control practice and applications

01 Oct 2021

Quality Control Revision: A refreshing course on basics of quality control practice and applications

Prof Dr. med. Dipl. Biol. Astrid Petersmann

Internal quality controls play a key role in quality assurance of laboratory examinations. Learn more here.
Un-conventional QC: Implementing Appropriate QC Strategies in your Lab

14 Sep 2021

Un-conventional QC: Implementing Appropriate QC Strategies in your Lab

Sten Westgard MS

Join us for a webinar to recalibrate your thinking on QC rules and runs, perhaps something you haven't done in like 10, 20, 30 years?!?! Watch on-demand here.
Westgard Rules at 40: A history, celebration and discussion

24 Apr 2021

Westgard Rules at 40: A history, celebration and discussion

James Westgard Ph.D., FACB and Sten Westgard

In March 1981, the "Westgard Rules" were born. Join us for a discussion of the past, present, and future of multirule QC.
View full details here
Quality Control of Qualitative Testing of SARS-CoV-2 in Clinical Laboratories

16 Feb 2021

Quality Control of Qualitative Testing of SARS-CoV-2 in Clinical Laboratories

Wayne Dimech Executive Manager, Scientific and Business Relations at NRL, and Joe Vincini, Quality Control Services Manager at NRL, Australia.

This presentation will describe the differences between clinical chemistry testing and infectious disease serology. By understanding these differences, laboratory staff can better understand the causes of variation in the test system. 
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Challenges with Quality Control in Qualitative Testing

16 Feb 2021

Challenges with Quality Control in Qualitative Testing

Paulo Pereira - Senior Researcher and head of R&D at the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation, Lisbon, Portugal

Qualitative examinations are those that measure the presence or absence of a substance. The results are not expressed in numerical terms, but in descriptive or qualitative terms such as “positive,” “negative,” “reactive,” “non-reactive,” “normal,” or “abnormal”. We will consider how Internal Quality Control is applied in this context.
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Webinars 2020

Solving Confusion with Regulations, QC Design, and Troubleshooting for SARS CoV-2 Assays

11 Dec 2020

Solving Confusion with Regulations, QC Design, and Troubleshooting for SARS CoV-2 Assays

Sharon Ehrmeyer Ph.D., MT(ASCP) and Sten Westgard

Join us for a webinar to learn about quality control (QC) regulations, setting the proper QC strategy/design, and troubleshoot SARualitative tests in the laboratory. 
View full details here
Educational Webinar: The QC Standards, Past and Present: Novel Controversies and Old Struggles

29 Nov 2020

Educational Webinar: The QC Standards, Past and Present: Novel Controversies and Old Struggles

Sten Westgard

In this lecture, Sten Westgard revisits “the argument and established rationale for Liquid Controls vs Lyophilised Controls, Linearities and figuring out the reportable range and more..
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Measurement Uncertainty: do we exceed the (speed) limit?

19 Nov 2020

Measurement Uncertainty: do we exceed the (speed) limit?

Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. Biol. Astrid Petersmann

Measurement Uncertainty is a key element in laboratory medicine. We have learned to monitor quality of laboratory results using internal and external quality controls.
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7 Things You Should Know about 6 Sigma Metrics

29 Sep 2020

7 Things You Should Know about 6 Sigma Metrics

Prof. Sten Westgard

This one hour zoom with Professor Sten Westgard will introduce the concepts of Six Sigma, Sigma Metrics, and Westgard Sigma Rules.
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Impact of the new European IVDR on medical laboratories and related stakeholders

17 Sep 2020

Impact of the new European IVDR on medical laboratories and related stakeholders

Prof. Dr. Folker Spitzenberger M.D.R.A. Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices Technical College Lübeck University

This webinar will give an overview on the changes and challenges derived from the IVDR with a special focus on medical laboratories. 
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Rili-BÄK 2019: Neue Anforderungen an das medizinische Labor

24 Sep 2020

Rili-BÄK 2019: Neue Anforderungen an das medizinische Labor

Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Nauck

Der Vorstand der Bundesärztekammer hat der überarbeiteten Version der Richtlinie zur Qualitätssicherung laboratoriumsmedizinischer Untersuchungen (Rili-BÄK) im Oktober 2019 zugestimmt. In der neuen Fassung wurden u. a. Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich des Qualitätsmanagements übernommen, neue Messgrößen aufgenommen und die Vorgaben für die Messgröße HbA1c angepasst
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier
Maintaining laboratory quality standards in an emergency: A COVID-19 case study.

16 Jul 2020

Maintaining laboratory quality standards in an emergency: A COVID-19 case study.

Wayne Dimech, Executive Manager of Business and Services for the NRL, and Sten Westgard, Director Client Services and Technology for Westgard QC

Watch this webinar to see Wayne Dimech and Sten Westgard assess the landscape for COVID-19 testing, consider the current methods, tests, protocols and the state of regulations.
View full details here