IAMQC Infinity
IAMQC Infinity is powerful cloud-based software, designed to meet your Daily QC solution needs. The user-friendly interface allows the laboratory to apply sophisticated features as required by the laboratory Quality Goals.
IAMQC Infinity provides Clinical laboratories with significant cost and time savings, whilst delivering higher confidence in analytical testing methods.
Product Description
IAMQC Infinity is designed as a QC data management solution that complements and supports Technopath Clinical Diagnostics Multichem® Quality Control (QC) product range, and provides Laboratory Managers and Technologists with a range of QC software tools to analyse their QC results in real-time. IAMQC Infinity is practical, graphical, and easy to use and provides laboratories with a centralised standardised approach to QC data management.
Laboratories today have many constraints in their daily process including labour, time, and budget. IAMQC Infinity helps to address these issues through a web-based system designed to manage QC data.
Providing access to advanced QC data management tools through a software-as-a-service platform removes the budgetary constraints that currently exist with products available today. Setup wizards save time for laboratories by providing all options available via drop-down lists and removing the need for manual entry by skilled laboratory technologists.
IAMQC Infinity allows users to automate, centralise, standardise and improve QC processes in a laboratory setting. Our combination of features in one system satisfies the varying levels of QC requirements in individual laboratories and is easily applied to meet different QC management expectations. IAMQC Infinity provides clinical laboratories with significant cost and time savings, whilst delivering higher confidence in analytical testing methods.
Design and select your exact QC system requirements, to automatically run, analyse and report your QC performance statistics
Automate your QC process including data connectivity with your LIS, Middleware and Instruments
Consolidate all your QC processes, QC materials and instruments into one convenient and powerful QC system
Increases confidence in your laboratory performance through intra and or inter laboratory peer comparison
User-Friendly set up and navigation with easy to read reports and tables
Centralised data management to review and recognise process efficiency opportunities
Automatic data submission using our menu of interfacing options
Cloud based system for ease of implementation and management
Instant comparison, from multiple instrument and locations. Works with multiple sites, departments, instruments, test and levels with easy to read reports
Centralised data management with powerful reporting and charting capabilities. Integration with MS Excel for custom lab reports
Cloud based SAAS model requiring no server installation on lab premises. Feature wizard assists for simple set up. Multiple interfacing and data submission options supported
Compliance with standards including ISO 15189 requirements facilitated. Audit trail support with key administrative levels for QC management, review and sign off
Westgard and/or user defined QC rules fully supported. Uses sigma metric to suggest rules and QC frequency as well as customer rule builder for comparison to peer mean or when Total Error exceeded
Focused troubleshooting for failed QC results via the system action log.
QC Scheduler function to configure time windows when QC data should be received.
Configurable per instrument and per test. Notification via pop-up message and via email if conditions are not met
Get Started
Get Started
For more information on registering interest in IAMQC Infinity please click the "contact us" button below or contact technopath.iamqcsupport@LGCGroup.com
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IAMQC Infinity Reports
IAMQC Infinity Reports
IAMQC Infinity delivers a number of powerful yet simple to use reports supporting a robust and reliable QC process.
These reports can be generated by the user or automatically on a user defined schedule. The generated reports can be emailed automatically as well as printed. At any time, the reports are available online and can be downloaded by users using their login name and password.
IAMQC Infinity set up
IAMQC Infinity set up
IAMQC Infinity uses a simple registration form capturing minimal details from the customer in order to get activated on the system. Once the information is submitted and the registration has been activated – you’re ready to use the system!
A wizard based setup form guides the lab user through entering all the required information to get your lab configured. Simple tabs along the top of the wizard show you the area you are configuring and allows you to move seamlessly through each area.
Data Review Dashboard
Data Review Dashboard
The most important requirement in managing QC data is knowing immediately when and where you have an issue. IAMQC Infinity brings this to a new level with a dashboard showing a traffic light system of performance for each instrument and highlighting what tests have issues. There is also a notification that will appear showing a consolidated list of all instruments and tests with issues, allowing those issues to be prioritised and dealt with in a timely fashion.
All tests review by instrument
All tests review by instrument
By selecting an instrument, you can get more detailed list of all the tests running on the instrument for the selected QC product.
Overview instrument performance
Overview instrument performance
IAMQC Infinity gives the end user multiple layers of access to information by providing a high level overview of performance at the dashboard level and guiding the user into more details at the instrument and test level.
Find a product by analyte, instrument, partcode or name
Why Technopath
Technopath was the first company in the world to develop truly consolidated third party quality controls for hospital laboratories.
Through the benefits of test consolidated QC, Technopath’s Multichem® customers have increased their laboratory efficiencies and reduced the cost of their quality control program.
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