Interlaboratory Peer programs are powered by IAMQC® Peer cloud based software. Analytical processes between laboratories and peer groups with the same lot number are compared with simple reports and sophisticated trouble shooting tools help to drive accuracy and precision in laboratory performance.


Peer Brochure Reagent Lot ReportReagent Lot ReportReagent Lot ReportReagent Lot ReportReagent Lot ReportReagent Lot ReportReagent Lot ReportReagent Lot ReportReagent Lot Report
IAMQC PEER on laptop

Product Description

IAMQC® Peer is an innovative, real-time, Peer Comparison Software. Technopath’s web-based system facilitates laboratories testing the same lot number of control material to access valuable information from their colleagues through peer comparison. The reports that are generated in IAMQC® Peer compare the accuracy and precision of analytical processes between laboratories and peer groups. This information can be extremely valuable, indicating the user’s performance relative to their peer group and also providing powerful troubleshooting tools when attempting to resolve potential problems.

To participate in IAMQC Peer, each individual laboratory submits their individual results or summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, and number of data points) to the central database maintained by Technopath. Laboratories data is typically submitted through an automated connection for efficiency and accuracy, however, data can also be submitted manually online.

The information provided by IAMQC Peer can be used on a monthly basis to evaluate how well lab’s methods are operating, relative to the overall peer group. Users can also look at this peer data in real-time, interactive, tables online, when they are investigating a potential problem with accuracy or precision for an individual method.



Instant Peer data comparison from multiple instruments and locations

Facilitates Standards approvals such as ISO 15189 requirements

Increases confidence in your laboratory performance prior to proficiency survey events

User-Friendly set up and navigation with easy to read reports and tables

Centralised data management to review and recognise process efficiency opportunities

Automatic data submission using our menu of interfacing options

Cloud based system for ease of implementation and management


Reagent Lot Report automates the tracking and reporting of reagent lot-to-lot variation.

Peer Group Report, Test by test listing of statistics for your lab and peer group across all instruments

Levy Jennings Report displays individual daily QC means for the selected month for the specific analyte

SDI and CVI monthly by lot to date including mean and SD for each test and control level. Analyse longer term trends.

Youden Plot reports internal lab performance against the test system peer and method principle peer

Exceptions Report indicates SDI, CVE and TE that differ from peer group and flags outliers > +-3 SDs from Lab or Peer means. Tests with discrepant data outside test limits flagged

Measurement of Uncertainty Report  indicates if results are adequate for intended purpose and ascertain if consistent with other similar or previous results

Sigma-metric Report provides a sigma score for every assay having automatically calculated imprecision and bias given Total Allowable Error. Includes a normalised method decision chart displaying all assays

Bias Report It displays each instruments Mean, SD, %CV and N of tests for the selected month, along with the SDi, CVi and %Bias comparison with the world peer and affiliate groups

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Get Started

If you have already registered for IAMQC® Peer please proceed to login here. For more information on registering for IAMQC® Peer please click the "contact us" button above or contact  technopath.iamqcsupport@LGCGroup.com

IAMQC Peer Login

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Reagent Lot Report

Reagent Lot Tracking report with IAMQC

Reagent Lot Report

In the clinical laboratory, the verification of new reagent lot performance is a common task. It is considered good laboratory practice, and further laboratory regulations and accreditation standards require the evaluation of each new reagent lot prior to use.

The reagent lot report provides quick and easy visualisation of QC peer statistics broken out by reagent lot for each assay on the instruments in the laboratory for the chosen QC lot number.

Download the guide to using the Reagent Lot Report:

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Peer Reports

IAMQC PEER report on screen

Peer Reports

IAMQC® Peer delivers a number of powerful yet simple to use reports supporting a robust and reliable QC process.

These reports can be generated by the user or automatically on a user defined schedule. The generated reports can be emailed automatically as well as printed. At any time, the reports are available online and can be downloaded by users using their login name and password.

Group coordinator report

Group coordinator report

Group coordinator report

This Group Coordinator report provides a centralised review of all instruments from the moment the customer begins to report data and thus facilitates users meeting accreditation requirements, with respect to the storage, retrieval and statistical analysis of quality control data. This report provides a test by test listing of statistics for the lab and its peer groups for up to 3 levels of control material.  The Group Coordinator Report documents all of the relevant data points submitted to IAMQC® and automatically provides a statistical analysis in table format.

Levey Jennings Report

Levey Jennings report

Levey Jennings Report

The Levey Jennings Report displays individual daily QC means for the selected month for a specific analyte. The report can be generated for two or three levels of QC material.
This report also provides a superimposed version of all QC levels at the bottom of each sheet, highlighting any level specific bias. The top of the graph displays a summary of both monthly and cumulative data, including all of the relevant statistics for the laboratory.

Monthly Standard Report

Monthly Summary report

Monthly Standard Report

The Monthly Summary report is useful for long-term intra-laboratory and inter-laboratory comparisons. For each test and control level this report displays summary statistics for the last 12 individual months. Usual method accuracy and precision is indicated to analyse trends. Monthly SDI and CVI, indicating any shifts from the peer group is shown.

Exception Notes Reports

Exception Notes Report

Exception Notes Reports

The Exception Notes Report summarizes the laboratory's tests and analytical methods which differ in performance from its peer group using SDI, CVI and Total Error performance criteria. Flag L did not pass the Laboratory outlier check; Flag P did not pass the Peer outlier check; Flag G did not pass the Gross outlier check.

Youden Plot Report

Youden Plot Report

Youden Plot Report

The Youden Plot Report describes internal laboratory performance against the test system peer and method principle peer using the youden plot design. The youden plot visualizes both bias ad imprecision and can be used to evaluate systematic and/or random error.

Measurement of Uncertainty

MOU table IAMQC Peer

Measurement of Uncertainty

Measurement of Uncertainty has become an important consideration in many laboratories and is referred to by many of the accreditation bodies as a requirement during audits. There are a number of factors which must be considered when calculating uncertainty, including the chosen method, Bias, analytical errors and so on. If uncertainty is quantified it is no longer uncertainty but the confidence interval within which the results fall. Uncertainty should be assessed regularly and attempts made to improve the value. The Measurement of Uncertainty report is generated in MS Excel format from the online IAMQC® Peer account.

Measurement of Uncertainty Brochure

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Sigma Metrics Report

Sigma Metrics Report

Sigma Metrics Report

IAMQC® Peer offers end-users the opportunity to automatically calculate and review their sigma metric performance. The system will automatically calculate imprecision and bias and once the end-user has defined their acceptability criteria (i.e Total Allowable Error), the software will automatically calculate a sigma score for every assay that is tested in the laboratory.

Sigma Metrics Brochure

Bias Report

Bias Report

Bias Report

The Bias Report is a test by test listing of statistics for the laboratory and its peer groups for up to 3 levels of control material. It documents each instruments performance compared to the world peer group and any selected affiliate group, in a Microsoft Excel file. It displays each instruments Mean, SD, %CV and N of tests for the selected month, along with the SDi, CVi and %Bias comparison with the world peer and affiliate groups. SDi results greater than 2 and CVi results greater than 1 are highlighted on the report to aid in troubleshooting assay performance.

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Why Technopath

Technopath was the first company in the world to develop truly consolidated third party quality controls for hospital laboratories.

Through the benefits of test consolidated QC, Technopath’s Multichem® customers have increased their laboratory efficiencies and reduced the cost of their quality control program.

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Our Clients

The main driver for change was a mandate to consolidate and improve workflow efficiencies. Reduced physical cost, coupled with a reduction in staff time, proved significant.

Blackrock Clinic Dublin - Eoin O’Rourke, Head of Pathology, Blackrock Clinic Ltd., Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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