Multichem® P
Third party, single elevated level, liquid stable immunoprotein quality control material for use on Roche cobas® instruments. Multichem P is used to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for Immunoprotein Assays. This product is used in conjunction with Multichem S Plus to provide an extensive range of concentrations for immunoprotein analytes.
This third party control material is available from your local Roche representative
Product Description
Technopath Multichem P Supplementary Immunoprotein Control is intended for use as a third party, single level, liquid stable immunoprotein quality control material to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for Immunoprotein Assays on Roche cobas®
Data for each lot of Technopath’s Multichem QC is pre-configured on the Roche Instrument with the target, range and SD for all analytes.
Barcoded QC tubes allow streamlining of the testing process, and unlike other offerings, barcodes are specific to Roche systems.
The label integrates a 'script zone', which provides space for the laboratory to hand-write the open date, expiry and technologist initials. This elimates the need to apply additional stickers to the QC tubes.
IAMQC® complements Multichem P for Roche, it provides a full suite of QC data management tools, to automate your data collection and analysis.
Replace multiple competitor products when used in conjunction with Multichem S Plus
Barcoded Tubes for ease of use
Satisfies regulatory guidelines for use of independent controls
Assess the precision of the assays listed
Elevated concentrations for immunoprotein analytes
Concentrations targeted at clinically relevant values
Long shelf life extends lot availability
Assayed for Roche cobas® instruments
Direct load, liquid, for ease of use
14 days open vial stability once thawed and stored at 2 to 8 degrees
36 months shelf life once stored at -20 to -80°C degrees
Third party independent quality control
Human based materials used as part of manufacturing process
Mimics performance of commutable patient samples
Analyte List
ADNase B (Anti-Streptococcal DNase B)*
Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin
Alpha-2 Macroglobulin*
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme*
Antistreptolysin O (ASO)*
Antithrombin III*
Apolipoprotein A-1 (APO A1)
Apolipoprotein B (APO B)
Beta-2 Microglobulin
C1 Inhibitor*
CH50 (Total hemolytic Complement)*
Complement C3
Complement C4
C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
Cystatin C*
IgG1, Subclass*
IgG2, Subclass *
IgG3, Subclass*
IgG4, Subclass*
Immunoglobulin A (IgA)
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
Kappa Light Chain*
Lambda Light Chain*
Lipoprotein (a)*
Properdin Factor B*
Retinol Binding Protein*
Rheumatoid Factors (RF)
Soluble Transferrin Receptor
Total Protein
*Please refer to lot specific package inserts for stability and performance claims.
Part Code
Multichem P
Assayed Single Level
12 x 4mL (48mL)
Multichem P
Assayed Single Level
12 x 4mL (48mL)
Part Code
Order Multichem P for Roche cobas® Today
Instructions For Use (IFU)
Instructions For Use (IFU)
Log in to our Electronic Instructions for use (EIFUs) page to access Multichem P for Roche cobas® Instructions for Use (IFUs).
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Why Technopath
Technopath was the first company in the world to develop truly consolidated third party quality controls for hospital laboratories.
Through the benefits of test consolidated QC, Technopath’s Multichem® customers have increased their laboratory efficiencies and reduced the cost of their quality control program.
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